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based,英语单词,主要用作形容词、动词,作形容词时译为“基地在……的;在……居住(或工作);(以某事)为基础,为根据”,作动词时译为“立基于,以……为基础(base 的过去式和过去分词)”。


第一篇 出国申请个人简介模版


Apt. 1XX, XX Wuyi Road Changsha, Hunan, P.R. China 410007


19XX.3-present Materials Engineer

Hunan Human Resource, Changsha, China.

Direct and conduct studies on forming and thermal treatment of mentals. Al-based alloys and metallic materials and on the properties and characterization of materials.

Co-ordinate production testing and control of metal refining and foundry operations.

Inspecting and testing the quality of materials products for exporting & importing.

Supervise technical staff and manage materials-related projects/contracts.

19XX.8-XX.11 Metallurgical Engineer

Changsha Machine Tools Foundry Plant, Changsha, China

Co-ordingate production testing and control of metal elting, molding, forming.

Heat treatment processing of dual-metal band saw imported from Germany. Materials selection and test, welding.


19XX.8-19XX.8 National University of Science & Defense Technology, Changsha, China. B. Eng. in Metallurgical Engineering.

第二篇 出国申请个人简介模版

Billy Cox

712, College Building

Hot Springs, AR, 63278


Obtain marketing / management position in music industry.


Experienced promotions director for three national web sites focusing on new and upcoming musical acts. All types of music covered from various perspectives.

Thorough knowledge of music promotions specializing in Internet and radio campaigns for newly released albums and singles.

Ability to communicate on various levels with advertisers, artists, corporate clients and media contacts.

Capable of layout and design work.

Experienced in digital imaging, including pixel editing with Adobe Photoshop and digital halftoning.

Proficient in copywriting.


Promoted three times in one year period to Vice President In Charge of Marketing at rockyourworld.com. Responsible for increasing article submission from area freelance contributing writers. Edited and provided additional creative guidance to contributors. Initiated various promotion campaigns involving live music acts in coordination with local radio and television stations.

Successfully launched promotional web site geared toward local rock bands in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Focused promotions, link exchanges and advertising toward regional exposure. Traffic increase of over 700% in first year. Response surveys indicates successful regional penetration.

Awarded designing woman of year award, (1997), for original artwork and marketing campaign content geared toward promotion of non profit classical music concerts in Newark-Delaware region.


Bangyourdrum.net, Philadelphia, PA June 1998 to Present

Web Site Manager / Editor – Chief editor for rock band promotions company. Responsible for article submission, editing and tour information updates for 38 bands. All site promotional material including photographs, animation and music files are submitted for edits and proof reading prior to release to site.

Infinity Outdoor Boards, Wastewater, MD May 1996 to May 1998

Promotions Liaison – Principal marketing consultant for outdoor billboard promotions company. Inventory of 1,100+ boards extending from Washington DC to Albany, New York. Initiated promotional campaigns for various regional retailers and business concerns. Implemented myriad board rotation strategies to maximize exposure over geographic areas of 5-100 square miles. Extensive use of survey data and demographic ysis for targeted marketing efforts.

Braindrain Music, Buffalo, NY January 1996 to May 1996

Promotions Editor – Wrote various promotions for area concert tours. Introduced company to concept of on line marketing with regional and potentially national focus. Outlined marketing plan for Internet sales campaign in conjunction with area cable television and radio spots.


University of Maryland, Bertam, MD December 1996

B.S. Liberal Arts, Computer Graphics Minor.

第三篇 博士申请个人简介

基本情况姓 名:谭XXXXX 性 别:男民 族:汉 族 籍 贯:江西萍乡出生年月:1980年9月 面貌:团 员健康状况:良 好 婚姻状况:未 婚 专 业:蔬菜学 学 历:硕 士 手 机:1587426816X E-mail :@163.com教育及工作经历2000.9~20xx.7 江西农业大学农学院20xx.9~20xx.7 浙江大学园艺系20xx.7~至今 湖南省农业科学院外语水平 通过全国大学英语四、六级考试;具备一定的园艺学(主要是蔬菜学)英文专业文献阅读和翻译能力。初步科研经历 本科期间的毕业论文是跟随江西农业大学园林与艺术学院的肖金香教授从事《盆栽烤烟不同药剂对降低烟碱含量的试验研究》;通过这一阶段初步的科研试验熏陶,对田间试验统计与数据有了一定的了解和认识;初步掌握了部分生理生化方面的物质含量的测定与方法。 研究生期间主要从事不同肥料及其不同含量处理对萝卜生长发育过程中的农艺性状及生理生化方面的试验研究;另外协助导师及同学分别从事过番茄、茭白和莲藕方面的试验研究工作;虽然在浙江大学读研只有短短的两年时间,但我觉得这是我人生中弥足珍贵、获益匪浅的一段宝贵时光;通过这一阶段的学习和科研经历,初步掌握和积累了一些有关中外文文献检索、试验设计与论文撰写等方面的实践经验。 毕业后即来到现在的单位湖南省农科院蔬菜研究所工作。工作期间,刚开始是协助红菜薹育种专家吴朝林老师从事十字花科蔬菜红菜薹育种方面的工作,通过了若干个红菜苔品种的现场评议,作为参加人之一的科研成果荣获湖南省农科院科技进步奖。后来由于工作需要被派往外地从事了一年的长沙市科技特派员工作,主要是指导我省著名的蔬菜生产基地长沙县黄兴镇光达村的蔬菜种植户进行的无公害蔬菜规范化栽培技术方面的工作;在此期间,通过多种渠道为当地及我院(所)争取了总计达9万元的项目经费,作为科研项目《无公害大棚蔬菜农残控制技术研究》的申报书撰写和项目主持人,分别获得了长沙市科技局和湖南省科技厅的资助。后由于之前的红菜育种主持人吴朝林老师因病不幸逝世,加上一些主、客观方面的原因,我只得重新选定一个老师继续从事蔬菜科研育种工作。目前主要跟随冬瓜育种专家周火强老师从事冬瓜育种方面的工作,今年也审定了三个冬瓜新品种,另外也已开始番茄育种方面的工作。发表文章 《萝卜肉质根形成与膨大的生理研究》(《北方园艺》20xx年第1期,第一作者); 《土壤水分含量与施氮量对辣椒产量与品质的影响》(《辣椒杂志》20xx年第1期,第三作者); 《芥菜分类生物学研究进展》(《宁波农业科技》20xx年第3期,第六作者); 《DNA分子标记技术及其在蔬菜遗传育种研究中的应用》(《长江蔬菜》20xx年第10期,第一作者); 《冬瓜主要经济性状的遗传效应》(《湖南农业大学学报》20xx年第2期,第三作者); 《辣椒种质资源鉴定、评价及利用研究进展》(《辣椒杂志》20xx年第2期,第一作者); 《萝卜施用“浩博”牌生物活性有机肥效果的试验研究》(《宁波蔬菜》20xx年第3期,第一作者); 《辣椒在不同温度条件下萌发特性的研究》(《辣椒杂志》20xx年第4期,第一作者,已录用); 《光达蔬菜产业发展的现状、问题及对策研究》(《北方园艺》20xx年第1期,第一作者,已录用)

第四篇 班助申请个人简介


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