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美利坚合众国(英语:The United States of America,United States,简称“美国”),是由华盛顿哥伦比亚特区、50个州和关岛等众多海外领土组成的联邦共和立宪制国家。其主体部分位于北美洲中部,美国中央情报局《世界概况》1989年至1996年初始版美国总面积是937.3万平方公里,人口3.33亿,通用英语,是一个移民国家。美国原为印第安人的聚居地,15世纪末,西班出国留学推荐信重要吗五篇倘若你对这类文章的写作能力需要改进或者修正,可以发表分享给大家!

第一篇 出国留学推荐信重要吗








第二篇 出国留学推荐信中文模板

您好!很荣幸能向你推荐我的学生xx ,xx 同学是一名非常优秀的学生,无论是学习、品德、还是能力都非常出色。

xx 学习刻苦认真,上课专心听讲、勤作笔记,最难得的是他有自己的学习方法与学习理念,他了解自己的长处与短处,能根据自己的个性选择最合适的学习方法。并且,他具有坚强不懈、持之以恒的学习毅力,面对学习上的困难与阻挠,他从不泄气,总是微笑着迎接每一次挑战,坚定不移的朝自己的目标奋进。

xx 同学具有优良的道德品质,他心地善良、乐于助人,对待师长尊敬有礼、与同学相处融洽,是家长眼中的好孩子,老师眼中的好学生、同学眼中的好朋友与学习的楷模。他在教室里刻苦学习的身影是一道靓丽的风景线。

xx 同学工作能力出众,善于与人沟通交流。他具有得天独厚的优美嗓音,无论是普通话还是英语,从他嘴里读出来都格外好听。他一直担任学校广播站的播音员,用他那富有磁性的声音给校园增添了无限生机。甚至连学校的工作人员也对他的声音赞不绝口,向我打听“每天播音的那位同学是谁?声音这么好听!”在学校元旦文艺汇演中,xx 同学的诗朗诵给大家带来了令人愉悦的精神享受,很多老师与同学对此至今记忆犹新。

xx 是我的得意门生之一,他的英语功底非常扎实,发音标准、流畅,作为他的英语老师,我感到非常欣慰与骄傲,也非常荣幸能有机会给他写这一封推荐信!以上所写,句句属实,衷心祝愿他有光辉灿烂的前途!

第三篇 出国留学推荐信怎么写



第四篇 出国留学学校推荐信


October 18, xxxx

To Whom It May Concern,

As Vice Dean of College of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Maritime University, I'm pleased to recommend Miss xxxx as a qualified candidate for the admission to your graduate programme in law.

Miss xxxx is an exceptional student with outstanding organizational capability and excellent skills in leadership. During her final year in the university, I was the tutor of her class. Being the organizing officer of the class, Miss xxxx provided me with great assistance in dealing with the graduating affairs. In addition, in order to leave everybody good memory of the college life, she successfully organized several parties before graduation, which impressed erveryone a lot. Even today, she still plays the role of making close connection with class members.

Miss xxxx has great enthusia in doing voluntary work, she went to the public hospital every weekend during her second and third year in the university and had been a conductor in Shanghai Science and Technology Museum for many times.

Moreover, I’d like to mention that Miss xxxx is truly a versatile student with great musical talents. Her performance of playing the Chinese traditional string instrument, zither, is moving and touching. She had learnt Latin Dance when she was a sophomore, and she plans to learn to play the piano in the coming months of this year.

On the whole, Miss xxxx is of great expectations, I hold the idea that after studying abroad in UK, she could make even greater progress and will certainly come out to be a brilliant lady. I sincerely hope that you favorably consider her application. Should I be of any further assistance, please feel free to contact me.

Yours faithfully,


Vice Dean, Associat

第五篇 20xx出国留学英文推荐信

In capacity as Professor of Mathematics at Fudan University?I'm writing to recommend Mr. Wang?Gesintosyour PhD program in Computer Science. I have known Mr. Wang since his sophomore year of college?and have acted as his thesis advisor and mentor. In my experience?he is a gifted and diligent student?and an admirably hard worker.

Wang is an impressive student because he has been forced to overcome the significant challenge of a serious illness during his freshman year. When I first met Wang in my Discrete Math class?he did not appear to be anything special to me. While his exam scores were good?they were not as high as I would now expect of him. What I didn't know then was that due to his illness?Wang was attempting to take all of the difficult early mathematics courses at one time?including Discrete Mathematics?Advanced Mathematics?Linear Algebra?and Possibilities. While most students found preparing for just one set of these exams difficult?Wang was overwhelmed by four of them. But in the end?he achieved an impressive score on the final exam?which made me conscious of his unusual determination he demonstrates when confronting difficult challenges.

Mr. Wang and I have often talked about a variety of mathematics and computer science concepts and problems. During these discussions?I always found him to be delightfully intelligent. Not only does he quickly understand the concepts and problems presented to him?he is able to yze these problems and present solutions. But perhaps most important is that Wang's thinking is intensely rigorous. When looking at any question?he carefully scrutinizes it and if he finds any uncertain issues?he clears them up immediately. I believe this kind of thought is essential to become an excellent computer programmer.

Serving as his thesis advisor?I had a first-hand opportunity to observe the way in which Wang's mind works. In his senor thesis?Mr. Wang mainly discussed two challenging questions in regards to″ANN″. In our books in China?knowledge of ANN and its uses are very rare. Few people in China have studied this topic and consequently?the materials that are available on ANN are limited. Working on this difficult project?not only did Mr. Wang rise to the challenge?but he went above and beyond the call of duty to yze his secondary sources and test them for accuracy in practice. In this way?he found mistakes in the book that we use. His diligence and hard work made me extremely proud of him.

Mr. Wang is an intelligent?motivated?and industrious individual. Teaching and advising him has been a delightful pleasure. I know that if given the chance to study abroad in America?he will arm himself to become a great programmer he dreams of being. He has the intelligence and background to achieve these goals - now all he needs is the opportunity. I ask that you look upon his application favorably and grant him a chance to study in your university.

Yours faithfully,









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