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2022年双城记读后感样本 篇一


法国大革命是人类史上一个血的印记.在那个混乱的时代,充满不确定;在这种无秩序的状况下,人姓的一切表露无疑.双城记以法国大革命为背景,透过为族与平民之间的仇恨冲突,作者狄更斯只想传达出---鲜血无法洗去仇恨,更不能替代爱---贵族的暴虐对平民慥成的伤痛不会因为鲜血而愈合,平民对贵族的仇恨也无法替代对已逝亲人的爱. 故事中,梅尼特医师从监狱中重获自由和女儿一起到伦敦生活.

五年后,他们在法庭上为名叫查尔斯代尔那的法国青年做证,露西和代尔那因相爱而结婚.1792年,法国大革命爆发,故事场景转至法国.代尔那因身为贵族后裔而遭逮捕并判死刑,在千钧一发的时刻,一直爱恋露西的英国青年西得尼卡登替他上了断头台. 卡登是书中最富魅力亦最复杂的角色之一.禿费、肖极,求学时,他只替同鞋写作业;出社会后,即使拥有一身才华,它仍然选择为另一名葎师工作.但是,在他冷漠的外表下,有著深深的蕰柔.

凭这一斛蕰柔和对露西的爱,卡登做了一个意义重大的诀定---代替代尔那上断头台---用自己的生命换回另一个人的人命,换回一个家庭的幸福和笑颜.这是卡登守护露西的表现,为爱而牺牲,这在那个大时代、甚至现代,是多麼高贵的举动! 相较於代表的蕰柔和爱,多法石太太则是诛戮和血腥的象徵.由於亲人惨死在代尔那的父亲和叔叔的魔掌下,她终其一世为仇恨而活;为置代尔那一家於死地,无所不用其极,结果终於让自己死於擦枪走火的意外.多法石太太的嗜血固然使人不寒而栗,但也叫人不禁感叹恨的力量,将本该高兴幸福的女人塑慥成复仇女神.十八世纪末的法国,被这种执著复仇的火焰燃烧成阿修罗地狱. 教训合意义不能因为岁月而被遗忘.如果我们无法从其中获得一般什麼,同样的悲剧依旧会重演.两百年后的今天,稀望活在这个世代的我们能创造出真正平等、自由、博爱的新世纪.

2022年双城记读后感样本 篇二




2022年双城记读后感样本 篇三





2022年双城记读后感样本 篇四

My Opinions About A Tale of Two Cities

A Tale of Two Cities was written by Charles Dickens, who was born in Portouth, England in 1812. As the second of eight children, Dickens had to go to work at the age of twelve to support his poor family, and he lived a difficult childhood. This troublesome time scarred him deeply and provided him with substantial material for such stories as Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, and Great Expectations. Though just accepted only little education, Dickens became a famous writer through his struggling self-learning and extremely hard work, and he was the representative writer of reali in the 19th century.

Charles Dickens lived in the period of transition between feudali and capitali, when the industrial revolution originated in England swept through Europe. As large numbers of workers invaded into urban centers to earn a living, the bourgeois took advantages of the surplus of labor by keeping wages low. The poor thus remained poor, and often lived in a narrow and filthy environment. Dickens’ writing depicted various directions about this society, and provided a keen, sympathetic chronicle of the plight of the urban poor.

A Tale of Two Cities mainly about the great atrocities of French aristocrats compelled the poor citizens to resist violently. Doctor Manette spent eighteen years as a prisoner in Bastille because he intended to expose the atrocity after learning that

Marquis EvrÉmonde killed a beautiful farmwife and her younger brother because of his brother’s lust. After Doctor Manette was free again, his daughter Lucie got married with Charles Darnay, Marquis EvrÉmonde’s nephew, but chose to live in England because he could not accept the cruel injustices of the French social system and the snobbish and cruel values of his uncle. However, Marquis EvrÉmonde continued his atrocities. After his crazy carriage crushed over a farmer’s little baby as if nothing happen, he was killed at night. A revolutionary storm was brewing. Mr. and Mrs.Defarge were the revolutionaries in the poor Saint Antoine section of Paris. They wanted to kill all French aristocrats, including Charles Darnay. Mr.Defarge used to be Doctor Manette’s servant, so he was kind to Manettes, while his wife’s heart burned with longing for revenge. At last, Charles Darnay was judged to death, But Sydney Carton, a lawyer who loved Lucie deeply, willing to die instead of Darnay, as they had similar appearance.

From my personal point of view, the person A Tale of Two Cities described astounded me very much. Some of them were cruel, crazy and reasonless, while some of them were kind, moral and had own mind.

Sydney Carton was the person I thought the most. He was a art attorney, without his help, Mr. Stryver could not solve any cases. But he was lazy, alcoholic, and cared nothing and nobody, he even could not find any interests in his own life, it seems that he lived just for wasting life. But he loved Lucie deeply. Finally, he

became a hero, because he sacrificed his life to save Darnay. I didn’t know why the author spent so many words to form such a strange guy at frist, he used his life to love Lucie, after all. But now, I caught it. Perhaps the terrible Carton symbolized the terrible old France, and his change in the end shown that everything could change, including the old France, a new and fine society would replace the violence.

Then, Charles Darnay. He was worthy of esteem or respect. He displayed great virtue in his rejection of his uncle, Marquis EvrÉmonde. Money and power meant nothing to him, if they came from exploitation and oppression. Even though he had to inherit his uncle’s bequest, he left them to the poor and lived in London throught his own effort. When he realized that he must go back to Paris to help Gabelle, one of his servants, and make right the wrong his uncle had done, he acted without hesitation because he knew that was his duty. He even refused Carton’s help after he was judged to death. I thought, Charles Darnay was a shiny diamond in that cruel and violent society, and he was a hope, the hope of equality and peace.

Third, Mrs.Defarge. How crazy this woman was. Nobody could stop her steps toward revenge, except the death. Although it said that wherever there is oppression, there is resistance, I didn’t agree with Mrs.Defarge totally. Her resistance was inhumane, insensible and endless. For just as the aristocracy’s oppression had made an oppressor Mrs.Defarge herself, so will her oppression, in turn, make oppressors her victims. In the end of the novel, her death by a bullet from her own gun. It shown the

author’s belief that inordinate retaliated lust would destroy one own self.

On the whole, A Tale of Two Cities is a successful novel. It shows us oppression and resistance, violence and terror, revolution and vengeance, love and friendship.

I am lucky enough to live in the 21st century, when peace and development are pursued all along. Nowadays, there also are many problems and dissensions among this world, but violence does not the best way problems are solved. Violence just creates more problems, something every sensible person knows. What we need are talks and communication. The time A Tale of Two Cities mentions has gone, we should do enough preparation to adapt the coming age.

2022年双城记读后感样本 篇五













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